Minutes City of Mechanicsville


November 10, 2014


The Mechanicsville City Council met in regular session on Monday, November 10, 2014 at City Hall.  Mayor Larry Butler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Council members present for roll call were Rob Davis, Pam Cavey, Dee Cook, and Pam Logue.  Dee Taylor was absent. Others present included Nick Lange, Tim Horihan, Lonni Koch, Doug Wolf, Ron Wingert, and Kerry Meyer.


Receive visitors/public comment:  None.


CONSENT AGENDA:  Dee Cook motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve the consent agenda including the agenda, minutes from 10/13/14, finance reports, and claims.    Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Davis, Cook, and Logue.  Nays: None. Taylor absent.   Motion carried.


The claims approved were as follows:

COLLECTION SERVICES CENTER                                                                            $343.22

IRS                                                                                                            $2,692.27

ABC FIRE PROTECTION INC                     OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $67.27

ACCO                                               CHEMICALS                                              $284.20

ALLIANT ENERGY                                  ELECTRIC/GAS EXPENSE                            $5,244.35

AMAZON.COM                                     OTHER SUPPLIES                                        $815.00

AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE                     OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $100.00

BUSINESS RADIO SALES & SERVICE            OPERATIONAL EQUIP REPAIR                        $140.00

CARUS CORPORATION                           CHEMICALS                                              $280.05

CASEYS GENERAL STORE                        VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $752.57

CEDAR COUNTY EMS ASSOCIATION           ASSOCIATION DUES                                    $200.00

CEDAR COUNTY SOLID WASTE                 PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $1,639.00

CEDAR RAPIDS PHOTO COPY INC              OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE                       $36.00

CHASE CARD SERVICES                          POSTAGE/SHIPPING                                    $247.29

ELLIOTT EQUIPMENT                             VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $179.20

ENTWISLE, ANGIE                                 BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $390.00

FUTURE LINE                                       VEHICLES                                              $5,941.63

HARDEN LAWN SERVICE                         OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $2,400.00

HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS                      UTILITY SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES                $18,478.50

IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL          TRAINING                                                  $75.00

IOWA CODIFICATION, INC                      OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $1,250.00

IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RES        TRAINING                                                  $30.00

IOWA ONE CALL                                   OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                  $27.00

JIMS AUTO BODY                                  VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $669.38

JJJ ENTERPRISES, INC                           OTHER PROF SERV EXP                            $34,924.46

JOHN DEER FINANCIAL                          MINOR EQUIPMENT                                     $314.92

JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $3,052.50

JONES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $194.88

KEYSTONE LABORATORIES, INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $247.50

KOCH, YOLUNDA                                  TRAINING                                                $300.00

KOCHS SERVICE & SUPPLY LLC                  BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $301.61

KUNDE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT                  MINOR EQUIPMENT                                  $1,433.91

LEGISLATIVE SERVICES AGENCY                LEGAL EXPENSE                                           $25.00

LUKE OBERBRECKLING & SONS                 STREETS                                               $8,585.00

LYNCH FORD                                       VEHICLES                                                  $85.98

MECHANICSVILLE TELEPHONE CO              TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $335.60

NAPA AUTO PARTS                               BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                  $15.87

ODD JOBS INC                                     OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $400.00

P & K MIDWEST                                    VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $145.90

POSITIVE PROMOTIONS                         SAFETY SUPPLIES                                       $167.64

QUILL                                               OFFICE SUPPLIES                                       $213.96

RICKARD SIGN & DESIGN                        OTHER EQUIPMENT                                      $40.00

SCHIMBERG CO                                    UTILITY SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES                    $897.81

SEEHUSEN INSURANCE AGENCY                INSURANCE EXPENSE                                  $100.00

SHEPLEY PHARMACY                              OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $14.84

SHIELDS, ASHLEY                                 TRAINING                                                $557.76

SOLON COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES             OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $800.00

TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS                       OFFICE SUPPLIES                                        $39.99

TIPTON CONSERVATIVE & ADVERTIS          PRINTING & PUBLISHING EXP                         $191.14

TIPTON ELECTRIC MOTORS INC                VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $68.85

TUMBLEWEED PRESS INC                        SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                      $299.50

US CELLULAR                                      TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $123.20

USA BLUEBOOK                                    OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $125.42

WENDLING QUARRIES INC                      UTILITY SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES                 $1,876.05

SEEHUSEN INSURANCE AGENCY                INSURANCE EXPENSE                                  $355.00

KOCH, YOLUNDA                                  TRAINING                                                $131.40

SHIELDS, ASHLEY                                 TRAINING                                                $127.80

MCKILLIP, MARYSUE                              TRAINING                                                $517.91

PAYROLL                                                          WAGES                                                               $12,256.38


Total Receipts and Disbursements for month of October by fund







Road Use Tax



Employee Benefit



Local Option Sales Tax



Library Expendable Trust



Ball Park Fund



Ambulance Trust



Debt Service



Capital Project



Perpetual Care



Water Utility



Sewer Utility



Solid Waste



Storm Water Utility



Water Sinking Fund



Water Deposit





Administration Report:  Coppess reported attending the IAMU Fall seminar on risk management and how to avoid or reduce exposure.  Some services available through our associations with EMC and IAMU includes AttorneyConnect whereby they will review city personnel policies for a nominal fee and the EMC Loss Control will do park and cemetery inspections at no charge, informed that risks can be transferred by utilizing contracts, 28E agreements, and insurance.  Some current issues for insurance companies are workers compensation claims, fidelity loss, computer fraud, and data compromise.  Pam Logue motioned and Dee Cook seconded to have the city’s personnel policy reviewed.  Ayes all.  Taylor absent.


Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis second to upgrade the city hall computer operating system and replace the laptop and various software licenses from Windows XP to Windows 8.1.  The cost has been estimated at $2500.  Ayes all motion carried.


Fire Report:  Lonni Koch reported 4 calls for the month which included a 10-50 roll over, 2 field fires and a mutual aid for house fire at Morley.  Requests were made for a tank-less water heater, change out rear addition lighting, apparatus door seals and window glazing/caulk, roof coating needed, drain is plugged, equipment id stickers, 5 handheld truck radios, 4 helmets 2 @ $195 for black; 1 white at $248; and 1 yellow at $285.  Council discussed and asked if costs were for available for items and if public works would be able to check on repairing doors,  unplugging the drain, and call to get an estimate on spraying the roof. Pam Cavey motioned, Pam Logue seconded to approve items within the amounts budgeted.  Ayes all. 


Ambulance Report: Lonni Koch reported 17 ambulance calls including 2 to Tipton due to no crew, announced that Jones Regional Medical Center will be the new pharmacy; and Doug Wolf has passed the paramedic class and testing.


Police report:  Chief Tim Horihan presented a summary of activity from 10/13/14-11/10/14 which included 17 business checks; 2 animal cases; 1 missing juvenile; 1 vandalism, 1 gas drive off; 1 nuisance/abandoned vehicle; 2 community events including Trunk or Treat and the Turkey Trot 5K; 1 harassment; 2 traffic stops with 3 warnings for equipment, insurance and fail to stop.


Public Works Report:  Lange reported that the park shelter has been winterized, the truck and plow have been received; the water main project on second street is completed; 5 man holes have been raised and sealed; and will attend training November 18-20 and informed council of a proposed sharing arrangement with Lowden which includes sweeping their streets in exchange for using their leaf vacuum.  Dee Cook motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve the exchange agreement.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


New business discussion and possible action on: 

Ron Wingert request for zoning change:  Ron explained to the council that the deal fell through with being able to sell the sale barn and having it reconstructed into living quarters; he has a new buyer but not sure what the use of the building will be for, however, initially wants to clean up the cattle yard and tear the east part down.  Council directed that an application for request for zoning change be complete when the decisions are made as to how the building will be used.  No action taken at this time.


Ordinance 269 to Adopt Supplement to Code:  Dee Cook motioned to approve the first reading of the ordinance to adopt the supplement to the Mechanicsville city code.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Cook seconded to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance 269.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Dee Cook motioned, Rob Davis seconded to adopt ordinance 269 that adopts the supplement to the code of ordinances.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Davis, Cook, and Logue.  Nays: None. Taylor absent.   Ordinance 269 adopted.


Solon Community Enterprises, $800 Christmas decorations and supplies:  Motion by Pam Cavey, seconded by Dee Cook to purchase the decorations and supplies.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Cemetery mowing job description:  Dee Cook motioned, Pam Cavey seconded, to approve the job description for part-time seasonal help to mow the cemetery.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.  The job will be posted and applications taken. Additional discussion on Manpower personnel being a potential back up.


Resolution 2014- 27 setting wage for police chief:  Dee Cook motioned, Pam Logue seconded a $5/hour increase from $14.50 per hour to $19.50 per hour effective with hours worked after 11/16/14.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Davis, Cook, and Logue.  Nays: None. Taylor absent.   Motion carried.


Set date for Public Hearing on Budget Amendment:  Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Cook seconded to hold a public hearing on Dec. 8 to amend the 2015 budget.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.  Coppess requested direction from council on funding for the upcoming street project as to whether the city intends to borrow money externally or utilize reserve funds with an internal loan. 


Reserve Police Officer Force Policy/Procedures:  Chief Horihan presented a detailed written Reserve Police Officer Policy and indicated that he would like to start accepting applications next month.  It was noted that a notice would need to be posted and after some discussion, Rob Davis motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to send along with the personnel policy to be reviewed by attorney connect.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:  None.

Correspondence was received in the form of a Public Notice from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding an upcoming project that maintains appropriate width and depth of the 9 foot commercial navigation channel on the Upper Mississippi River to allow for the transport of commodities, a letter from the Tipton Senior Citizens, and a request for proposals from Paint the Town.


Set next regular meeting date: 12-8-14


Mayor Comments:  Mayor Butler informed the council about a manhole that needed some work done in it.  Due to the extreme depth (33 feet) the city needed to borrow a tripod cable with harness, to complete the work.  The city should consider purchasing one of our own in the future to have available for safety reasons.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Dee Cook motioned, Rob Davis seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, MMC                                    Larry Butler, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer