City of Mechanicsville


January 17, 2011


The Mechanicsville City Council met in special session on Monday, January 17, 2011 at City Hall.  Mayor Boyd A. Stine called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  Council members present for roll call were Larry Beck, Calvin Paup, Deanna Cook, Carla Barnhart and Gene Brown.  Others present included Judy Hartman.


Receive visitors/public comment:  Judy Hartman provided information to the council supporting a request for wages to be increased for the library staff in comparison to 7 other towns of similar size to Mechanicsville. The request was to increase wages from $12.44 to $15.00; $11.85 to $13.50; and $10.68 to $12.00.


Coppess reported that Officer Barber will be taking medical leave and has made arrangements with Officer Wendt and Officer Smith to cover some of the hours for him and information received on the Water Day at the Capitol on January 20 and Transportation Day on January 26 in Des Moines.


CONSENT AGENDA:  A motion was made by Larry Beck and seconded by Calvin Paup to approve the consent agenda including the agenda and minutes from 1/10/2011.  Roll call vote:  Ayes:  Beck, Cook, Paup, Brown, and Barnhart.  Nays:  None.   Motion carried.


Old Business:  Appoint City Attorney:  Calvin Paup motioned, Carla Barnhart seconded to reappoint Douglas Simkin as City Attorney.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Budget Work Session:  Council worked on budget.  Some of the discussions included whether or not a plan would be made to remove a few trees in the park to make room for a ball field; possibly replacing the doors at the city maintenance shed; the addition of a salt shed storage; the additional funding needed to complete the Safe Route to School project; considering a mop bucket drain in the closet of the Memorial Building; installation of a 24” tile to the creek to tie into storm sewer to help with storm water drainage; reviewed information for fire contracts for township trustees; still need to receive input from park board and ambulance departments; fire department is looking at replacing tanker truck in two years; and discussion on salary increases.  Clerk was directed to calculate a 3% increase in wages plus the amount that was requested by the librarian for the purpose of preparing the budget information for the next regular meeting.


Set next regular meeting date: Monday, February 14, 2011


Mayor Comments: None. 


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Calvin Paup motioned, Gene Brown seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 10:09 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, CMC                                    Boyd A. Stine, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer