Minutes City of Mechanicsville


April 8, 2013


The Mechanicsville City Council met in regular session on Monday, April 8, 2013 at City Hall.  Mayor Boyd A. Stine called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   Council members present for roll call were Pam Cavey, Rob Davis, Calvin Paup and Pam Logue.  Dee Cook was absent.  Others present included Alan Zerbe, Joe Smith, Jim Barber, Lonni Koch, Ron Baker, Adam Sandberg, Al Dohmen, Tom Thimmes, and Andy Tyrrell with SpeedConnect.


Receive visitors/public comment: Ron Baker requested permission to close the street in front of the fire station on April 20 during the open house.  Calvin Paup motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve the request provided notification be given to the residents across the street.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


CONSENT AGENDA:  Pam Cavey motioned, Pam Logue seconded to approve the consent agenda including the agenda, minutes from 3/11/13, finance reports, claims, and Liquor License for Bubba’s Sports Bar & Grill.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Davis, Cavey, Logue, and Paup.  Nays: None. Absent:  Cook.  Motion carried.


The claims approved were as follows:

AGVANTAGE FS INC                               VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $416.40

ALBAUGH, TOM                                    TRAINING                                                $135.90

ALLIANT ENERGY                                  ELECTRIC/GAS EXPENSE                            $6,732.12

ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE                   ALLOWANCES - UNIFORMS                            $162.47

AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE                     OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                  $75.80

BOOTS BODY SHOP                               VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $57.50

BOUND TREE MEDICAL                           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $596.01

BRIDGE COMMUNITY BANK                      PETTY CASH                                               $74.77

CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS                        MINOR EQUIPMENT                                     $120.70

CASEYS GENERAL STORE                        VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $873.12

CEDAR COUNTY SOLID WASTE                 PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $1,008.00

CJ COOPER & ASSOCIATES INC                TRAINING                                                  $52.00

ENTWISLE, ANGIE                                 JANITORIAL EXPENSE                                  $495.00

HART-FREDERICK CONSULTANTS PC          ENGINEERING EXPENSE                             $3,803.75

HARTMAN, JUDY                                  LIBRARY MATERIALS                                     $60.00

HUNT, BRADLEY                                          REFUND DEPOSIT                                            $50.00

IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES                     MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE                          $146.70

IWIRELESS                                         TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                 $57.86

JOHN DEER FINANCIAL                          MINOR EQUIPMENT                                      $61.99

JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $3,002.50

KEYSTONE LABORATORIES, INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $239.30

KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE             TRAINING                                              $1,295.00

KLOCKES EMERGENCY VEHICLES               OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $40.55

KOHOUT, JASON                                          REFUND DEPOSIT                                           $50.00

LANDESS, SHAWN                                        REFUND DEPOSIT                                           $50.00

MCCLURE, SARAH                                        REFUND DEPOSIT                                           $50.00

MECHANICSVILLE TELEPHONE CO              TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $351.70

MID IOWA SOLID WASTE                        VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $629.75

NAPA AUTO PARTS                               VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $17.98

NORTH CEDAR COMMUNITY SCHOOL          LIBRARY MATERIALS                                     $55.00

P & K MIDWEST                                    VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $298.44

QUILL                                               OFFICE SUPPLIES                                       $159.95

SANDRY FIRE SUPPLY LLC                       ALLOWANCES - UNIFORMS                            $141.00

SHEPLEY PHARMACY                              OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $18.88

TIESKOETTER, LESLIE                                  REFUND DEPOSIT                                           $12.75

TIPTON CONSERVATIVE & ADVERTIS          PRINTING & PUBLISHING EXP                           $31.60

TIPTON GREENHOUSE                            LIBRARY MATERIALS                                     $56.00

US CELLULAR                                      TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                 $61.41

VITAL IMAGERY LTD                              SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                        $50.00      

WANDA WEBER                                    OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $417.30

WELLMARK BC BS                                 GROUP INSURANCE                                  $3,480.54

WENDLING QUARRIES INC                      STREETS                                                  $118.00

ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION                 OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $221.77

PAYROLL                                                          WAGES                                                               $14,468.66


Total Receipts and Disbursements for month of March by fund







Road Use Tax



Employee Benefit



Local Option Sales Tax



Library Expendable Trust



Ball Park Fund



Ambulance Trust



Debt Service



Capital Project



Water Utility



Sewer Utility



Solid Waste



Storm Water Utility



Water Deposit




Visitors:  Andy Tyrrell, Director of Business Development, SpeedConnect request for installation of antenna on tower:  Mr. Tyrrell provided background information about the company, where they are currently providing service,  and a sample lease agreement for the city to consider.  Pam Logue motioned, Rob Davis seconded to have it reviewed by the city attorney and taken under consideration at a future meeting.  Ayes all.  Dee Cook absent.  Motion carried.  Informational product brochures and a replica of the equipment will be brought to city hall for people to view.


Al Dohmen, Adam Sandberg, and Tom Thimmes presented a change in plans for the installation of the items at the ball field.  The engineer’s estimate for the concession stand and restrooms was nearly twice the amount anticipated, so the committee requested to use the funds they currently have to finish both fields which includes the lime and the fencing and the service line for the water, sewer, and electricity, as well as gravel for the parking lot.  This will allow the grants that have been received so far to be completed and the games to begin.  Fund raising will still continue.  It was noted that it will cost $7/foot for 350 feet for the electricity lines to be buried, plus pedestal and wiring.  Pam Cavey motioned, Calvin Paup seconded to approve the change in the order in which the phases would be completed and expenditures up to $57,700.  Ayes all.  Dee Cook absent.  Motion carried.



Fire Report:  Lonni Koch reported 5 fire calls which included a semi stuck on tracks on 3/9; national tornado warning test on 3/27; a fire at Koch’s Sales and Service on 4/3, controlled CRP burn on 4/7; and a grass fire on 185th street.


A grant for $6500 was received from the Cedar County Community Foundation for the purchase of rescue jacks and a saw.


Ambulance Report: A total of 14 ambulance calls were reported and a reminder of the open house on April 20.  Discussion on fax reports not being received from some long distance carriers.  Information was shared that the sending party needs to report it to their telephone carrier and trace it through to the receiving party.


Public Works Report: Zerbe reported maintenance being done on the mowers, street sweeper had new brushes and curtain put on it; rear tires put on the mower, 2 sewer main plugs were reported; hauled rock to area by FS where new storm sewer was installed; 2 aerators removed for maintenance; Randy Krutzfield was here Friday and worked on the anti-degradation plan for the sewer improvements; water main break along West Second Street; the nitrate level dropped from 2.9 to 1.3 since lining the service line pipe out of the fire station.  Joe started waste water classes.  Discussion regarding the repairs needed for the water pump on the street sweeper.  Calvin Paup motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to contact Elliot for an estimate to repair and if less than $2500 to proceed.  Ayes all.  Dee Cook absent.  Motion carried.


Police Report:  Police Chief Barber reported 3 agency assists, 1 ambulance assist, 1 animal case, 1 arrest; 12 citizen assists, 2 criminal mischief; 4 -911 calls; 1 theft, 4 traffic stops with 1 citation and 3 warnings;4 warnings for code violations for illegal parking; and 1 abandoned refrigerator,  2 citations for illegal parking and driving while barred.


Administration Report:  Coppess reported that the hole was scheduled to be cut for the window this week, street light on Country View was changed to a fiberglass pole and paid for by developer; and Randy Krutzfield indicated that a rough cost of the Lagoon improvements could be around 2.6 million dollars and he suggested contacting ECIA to begin the LMI study to determine if Mechanicsville is eligible for the CDBG funding. 


Old Business:

Discussion on resolution to set the on-call pay for full-time employees: Pam Cavey reported that Dee Cook and her discussed restricting dispatch office to use only the cell phone and then if police is able to answer the call let the dispatcher know whether or not he is able to take care of the call.  If he is able to take the call, then he would be paid overtime or be entitled to take comp time whichever was preferred.  Pam Cavey indicated that dispatch should not be calling the house phone.  Barber stated he could contact Wethington.  Council directed clerk to pay prior on-call time at the rate of $50/12 hours.


Purchasing policy: Calvin Paup and Rob Davis reported reviewing the proposed policy and directed clerk to prepare from the sample provided for approval at the next meeting.


Library repairs to foundation and metal:  Council was reminded of some repairs still needing to be done to the outside of the library.  Luke will be contacted about the deteriorating brick and Joe will look at the curling metal.


New business discussion and possible action on:

Memorial Building Use:  Recent complaints on the use of the Memorial Building were reviewed and covered a range of issues from the refrigerator being full over the weekend and not available for use, to items being placed in front of doors blocking access to some storage closets, as well as additional items being stored outside of the locked cabinets at various locations throughout the building. Council directed that communication be made with the various groups by posting a notice on the door reminding users that the only approved storage is the locked cabinets.  Clean up day is Tuesday and extra items should be removed or placed out for the pick up.


Sealed bids for 1966 Ford tanker:  Notice had been published and 2 sealed bids opened with one for $1150 from Luke Oberbreckling and the other of $1026 from Rod Dickey.  Calvin Paup motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to accept the bid from Luke Oberbreckling.  Ayes all. Cook absent.  Motion carried.


Dust Control Proposal:  Calvin Paup motioned Pam Logue seconded to approve the proposal from Binns and Stevens to apply dust control on 125th Street and the east end of First Street for a total of 1200 feet.  Ayes all. Cook absent.  Motion carried.


ITC Franchise Agreement set public hearing for ordinance:  Pam Logue motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to set the public hearing for Monday, May 13, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.  Ayes all. Cook absent. Motion carried.


Municipal Pipe Tool 5 year Sewer Maintenance Contract:  Calvin Paup motioned, Rob Davis seconded to table until additional information was gathered.  Ayes all.  Cook absent. Motion carried.


Sewer Back Up reimbursement:  Calvin Paup motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to reimburse property owners (one on Linn Street, and one on N Cherry St.) expense in clearing main.  Ayes all.  Cook absent. Motion carried.


Reciprocal non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement Iowa Health:  Pam Cavey motioned, Pam Logue seconded to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.  Cook absent. Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Getting bids for replacing furnaces/ condensers:  Pam Logue motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to publish a request for sealed bids for the furnace at city hall and A/C at post office.  Ayes all.  Cook absent. Motion carried.


Rock alleys within business district:  Calvin Paup motioned, Rob Davis seconded to incur the expense of the installing the rock in the alley within the business district.  Ayes all.  Cook absent. Motion carried.


Flood Plain Ordinance:  Pam Cavey and Pam Logue will assist with completing the sample ordinance.


Committee Reports:    Pam Cavey reported that the auxiliary approved purchasing 2 benches for installation at the cemetery near the Doughboy.  Calvin Paup motioned, Pam Logue seconded to approve placing the benches near the Doughboy.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Correspondence:  Des Moines Sunday Register Vacation Iowa 2013 guide for activities May 12- Sept 2 and Small City Workshops.


Set next regular meeting date: Monday, May 13, 2013


Mayor Comments: None.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Rob Davis motioned, Calvin Paup seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, CMC                                    Boyd A. Stine, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer