Minutes City of Mechanicsville


September 9, 2013


The Mechanicsville City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 9, 2013 at City Hall.  Mayor Pro-tem Dee Cook called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. due to Mayor Stine being absent.   Council members present for roll call were Rob Davis, Calvin Paup, Dee Cook, Pam Cavey, and Pam Logue. Others present included Joe Smith, Lonni Koch, Fran and Calvin Robinson, Verlin Eaker, Chad Bonser, Larry Nagle (ECIA), Randy Krutzfield (Hart-Frederick), and Scott Schroeder (Schroeder Associates).


Receive visitors/public comment: Verlin Eaker addressed the council about wanting to have his trees removed from the ROW.  Council asked that the Extension Service or DNR Forestry be contacted to determine if trees were possibly diseased, as they did not appear to be dead at this time.  Fran and Calvin Robinson expressed an interest in their tree being trimmed or removed as it is in a similar condition.  Current ordinance states that trimming is the property owner’s responsibility and if a tree is dead or diseased the city needs to have it removed.


Chad Bonser requested to build a set of steps on city property in order to access the city parking area behind his house.  Calvin Paup motioned, Rob Davis seconded to consider approving the request pending response from the city attorney regarding liability, ADA accommodations, building permit requirements, setting precedents, snow removal responsibilities, forming a written agreement, any obligation to guarantee a place to park, etc.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


CONSENT AGENDA:  Pam Cavey motioned, Pam Logue seconded to approve the consent agenda including the agenda, minutes from 8/26/13, finance reports, and claims, Roll call vote: Ayes: Paup, Logue, Cavey, Cook, and Davis.  Nays: None. Motion carried.


 The claims approved were as follows:

ACCO                                               CHEMICALS                                              $417.80

AGVANTAGE FS INC                               OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $756.96

ALLIANT ENERGY                                  ELECTRIC/GAS EXPENSE                            $6,615.03

AMAZON.COM                                     LIBRARY MATERIALS                                   $987.34

AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE                     OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $100.00

BARNES & NOBLE                                  LIBRARY MATERIALS                                   $103.95

CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS                        VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $38.74

CARUS CORPORATION                           CHEMICALS                                              $191.70

CASEYS GENERAL STORE                        VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $545.94

CEDAR COUNTY SOLID WASTE                 PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $1,044.00

CHASE CARD SERVICES                          POSTAGE/SHIPPING                                    $142.90

CJ COOPER & ASSOCIATES INC                MEDICAL/WELLNESS EXPENSE                          $52.00

DANS TIRES & MORE                             VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $165.35

ED M FELD EQUIP CO INC                        ALLOWANCES - UNIFORMS                         $2,080.00

ENTWISLE, ANGIE                                 JANITORIAL EXPENSE                                  $315.00

HACH COMPANY                                   CHEMICALS                                                $59.25

HARDEN LAWN SERVICE                         OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $1,800.00

HAYNEEDLE INC                                   LIBRARY CAPITAL                                       $978.99

IOWA CODIFICATION, INC                      OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $400.00

JOHN DEER FINANCIAL                          STREET MAINT EXP                                       $47.92

JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $3,002.50

KEYSTONE LABORATORIES, INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $382.30

KOCH, DANIEL & YOLUNDA                      TRAINING                                                  $64.00

KOCHS SERVICE & SUPPLY LLC                  BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $169.96

KUNDE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT                  MINOR EQUIPMENT                                     $273.97

LATISHA LOVELL                                          REFUND DEPOSIT                                             $3.14

LISBON-MT VERNON AMBULANCE              OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $100.00

LYNCH FORD                                       VEHICLE REPAIR                                          $41.56

MECHANICSVILLE TELEPHONE CO              TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $378.94

MORAVEK, MATT                                  TRAINING                                                  $32.08

MT VERNON LISBON SUN                         PRINTING & PUBLISHING EXP                           $54.00

ODD JOBS INC                                     OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $750.00

QUILL                                               OFFICE SUPPLIES                                       $151.30

SCOTT KASIK                                      BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $350.00

SMITH, JOE                                        OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $10.70

STAPLES                                            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                          $5.19

STATE LIBRARY OF IOWA                       SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                        $82.30

TIPTON CONSERVATIVE & ADVERTIS          PRINTING & PUBLISHING EXP                         $363.01

TRISTA KUEHL                                             REFUND DEPOSIT                                            $30.12

US CELLULAR                                      TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                 $61.41

WALMART                                          OFFICE EQUIPMENT                                    $140.24

WELLMARK BC BS                                 GROUP INSURANCE                                  $2,873.53

WEST BRANCH PUBLIC LIBRARY                OFFICE EQUIPMENT                                     $85.44

PAYROLL                                                          WAGES                                                               $10,931.35


Total Receipts and Disbursements for month of August by fund







Road Use Tax



Employee Benefit



Local Option Sales Tax



Library Expendable Trust



Ball Park Fund



Ambulance Trust



Debt Service



Water Utility



Sewer Utility



Solid Waste



Storm Water Utility



Water Deposit





Engineer:  Randy Krutzfield updated the council that he and public works director, Joe Smith, would be meeting with Horsefield to address the punch list items left from the storm sewer project on September 10 at 10:30 p.m.  Some of the issues concern seeding, pavement and cracking.  There is a 2 year maintenance agreement for the project.  Randy also addressed the council on the status of the wastewater treatment project indicating some I & I issues are being worked on, the anti degradation plan was submitted in May and approved in August by the DNR.  The Facility plan is the next item to complete and we are already behind on the original POA which should be revised due to the DNR not getting the waste load allocation information to us as originally planned.  He also discussed deadlines for SRF loans and applications and CDBG and the required Income Survey from the community to see if city is eligible.  Larry Nagle informed the council on how the income survey should be done and it requiring 80% response rate and the city would be eligible if 51% or more are low to moderate income.   If the city does a CDBG it does require an engineer selection process using an RFQ to be published.  Pam Cavey motioned, Pam Logue seconded to submit the request to the DNR to revise the POA and to continue with I&I review and options for the treatment facility.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Health Insurance:  Scott Schroeder updated on the Affordable Care Act implementations and the current renewal of the policy for another year at 95/5.  Calvin Paup motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to renew the existing plan.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Fire Report:  Lonnie Koch reported 2 fire calls one for a dump trailer fire on 8/12 and an accident on 9/3 on Hwy 30 with 3 patients.  CITA Fire School will be 9/28 and 9/29 at Kirkwood. 


Ambulance Report: A total of 17 ambulance calls were reported and a notice that the ambulance is short on crew members during the day.


Public Works Report: Joe Smith reported visiting the lagoon system in Walker, painting the handicapped parking spaces, shared an estimate from Trans Iowa for $18,000 to repair the current street sweeper.  Council requested proposal for a replacement from Elliot, Trans Iowa, and Mid Iowa for new and used options.  Also an option for a quick attach unit for the JD tractor. He will be taking additional water certification classes on 9/18, 9/19, 9/25, and 9/26.  The exam application fee will be $90.


Police Report:  None.


Administration Report:  Coppess reported advertising again for the police position with the number of requests for applications being somewhat better than the first; several inquires from the public regarding status of replacement of police chief; read a letter from Dusty Du regarding a part time proposal; nuisance letters were sent to the property’s on John Street and on E First Street with both property owners responding that they were working on the issue; attended a webinar on completing the Urban Renewal annual report; the library annual report is almost completed; building activity has increased with house at 400 E First being torn down; one on W Second being torn down; and possibly removing a mobile home on E Second; a request for a single family home to be built on W Second was approved and a garage on N Madison.  Request to attend the Fall IMFOA conference in Des Moines Oct. 16-18 and 3 vacation days were approved with a motion by Calvin Paup and second by Rob Davis.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Old business discussion and possible action on:

Police Protection setting date for interviews:  Interviews will be held either October 5 starting at 9:00 a.m. or September 30 at 6:30 p.m.  Council members will check schedules.


New business discussion and possible action on:

Request for trees to be removed (dead or diseased): Clerk will follow up with ISU extension or the DNR forestry to determine if possibly diseased.


Request for garbage and recycling to be waived for snowbird:  Pam Logue motioned; Rob Davis seconded to deny the request.  Property owners can shut off the water which would discontinue all services.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Request to build on city property:  Follow up will be done with City Attorney.


Ordinance 261 adding provisions pertaining to removal of an officer’s communication or control device:  Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded, to approve the first reading of the ordinance.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded, to approve waiving the second and third readings of the ordinance.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Cook seconded to adopt the ordinance.  Roll call vote:  Ayes: Paup, Logue, Cavey, Cook, and Davis.  Nays: None. Motion carried.


Ordinance 262 amending provisions pertaining to lien exemption: Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded, to approve the first reading of the ordinance.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded, to approve waiving the second and third readings of the ordinance.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Cook seconded to adopt the ordinance.  Roll call vote:  Ayes: Paup, Logue, Cavey, Cook, and Davis.  Nays: None. Motion carried


Income Survey:  Larry Nagle provided information as stated above.  Council will work out plan for distributing surveys to residents.


Set date for Fall Clean Up: Tues. October 15 Contact City Hall to register.

Set date for Trunk or Treat:  Sun, October 27, 2013 from 3:00- 4:00 p.m.

Set date for Halloween:  Thurs. October 31 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. leave porch light on.

Calvin Paup motioned, Dee Cook seconded to set the dates as listed above.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Fall Leaf pickup:  Dee Cook motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to have clerk contact Johnson County to get dates for being on their schedule for 2 days with one being in October and one in November.  This date will be posted for residents to have their leaves to the curb by that date, otherwise, they will need to wait until the next pick up or take them to the city shed.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:  Follow up needs to be done with Oberbreckling regarding installation of RipRap and catch basin proposal.


Correspondence was provided from Brian Boots regarding Mutual of Omaha Insurance information and additional employee benefits that are available and Cedar County Public Health is planning to establish a Medical Reserve Corps.    


Set next regular meeting date: Monday, October 14, 2013 with a special meeting set to interview applicants on either October 5 or September 30, 2013.


Mayor Comments: None.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Rob Davis motioned, Pam Logue seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 9:44 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, CMC                                    Dee Cook, Mayor Pro-tem

City Clerk/Finance Officer