Minutes City of Mechanicsville


September 8, 2014


The Mechanicsville City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 8, 2014 at City Hall.  Mayor Larry Butler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Council members present for roll call were Rob Davis, Dee Taylor, Pam Cavey, and Dee Cook. Pam Logue was absent.  Others present included Nick Lange, Tim Horihan, Lonni Koch, Doug Wolfe, Scott Schroeder, Jay Anderson, Shelly Boyd and Becky Halsch.


Receive visitors/public comment:  Shelly Boyd and Becky Halsch representing Unity Point Clinic explained the business decision to close the Mechanicsville Clinic at the end of this year and expressed their appreciation and thanks to the city for the use of the building for the past 28 years.  They want to help transition the care of the patients to the Mt. Vernon Clinic.


CONSENT AGENDA:  Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Cook seconded to approve the consent agenda including the agenda, minutes from 8/11/14, finance reports, and claims.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Taylor, Davis, and Cook.  Nays: None. Logue absent.   Motion carried.


The claims approved were as follows:

ACCO                                               CHEMICALS                                              $266.40

AGVANTAGE FS INC                               VEHICLE OPERATIONS                               $1,233.59

ALLIANT ENERGY                                  ELECTRIC/GAS EXPENSE                            $5,622.38

AMAZON.COM                                     LIBRARY MATERIALS                                 $1,145.58

BAILEY, CALVIN                                           WATER DEPOSIT                                              $5.07

BARNES & NOBLE                                  OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $239.81

BOUND TREE MEDICAL                           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $16.96

BUDS AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR                   VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $498.04

BUSINESS RADIO SALES & SERVICE            VEHICLE REPAIR                                        $102.36

CASEYS GENERAL STORE                        VEHICLE OPERATIONS                                 $669.70

CEDAR COUNTY SOLID WASTE                 PAYMENTS TO OTHER AGENCIES                  $1,080.00

CHASE CARD SERVICES                          POSTAGE/SHIPPING                                    $185.70

DEMCO                                              OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $70.34

EAGLE CHEMICAL & SUPPLY                     CHEMICALS                                              $465.00

ENTWISLE, ANGIE                                 JANITORIAL EXPENSE                                  $300.00

HARDEN LAWN SERVICE                         OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $2,400.00

HART-FREDERICK CONSULTANTS PC          ENGINEERING EXPENSE                             $1,633.75

HARTMAN, JUDY                                  OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $26.44

IOWA CODIFICATION, INC                      OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                $900.00

IOWA LIBRARY SERVICES                       SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                        $82.30

JJJ ENTERPRISES, INC                           STORM DRAINAGE                                   $5,777.00

JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL                         GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR                  $70.92

JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $3,052.50

KEYSTONE LABORATORIES, INC                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                              $1,042.70

KOCHS SERVICE & SUPPLY LLC                  BLDG MAINT & REPAIR                                 $186.17

LL PELLING CO                                     STREET MAINT EXP                                     $435.60

LUKE OBERBRECKLING & SONS                 STORM DRAINAGE                                  $11,410.00

MECHANICSVILLE TELEPHONE CO              TELECOMMUNICATIONS                               $342.13

QUILL                                               OPERATING SUPPLIES                                   $83.16

RADAR ROAD TEC                                OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                  $70.00

RICKARD SIGN & DESIGN                        OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $160.00

RWL WATER AEROMIX                           OPERATING SUPPLIES                                  $414.00

STETSON BUILDING PRODUCTS                 STREETS                                                  $165.12

SULZNER, CHAD                                   OTHER PROF SERV EXP                                  $65.00

TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS                       OFFICE EQUIPMENT                                    $838.00

TIPTON CONSERVATIVE & ADVERTIS          PRINTING & PUBLISHING EXP                         $185.40

USA BLUEBOOK                                    MINOR EQUIPMENT                                      $33.88

VOGUE                                              SUBSCRIPTION & ED MATERIAL                        $10.60

WALMART                                          OFFICE SUPPLIES                                        $39.89

WENDLING QUARRIES INC                      OPERATING SUPPLIES                               $1,509.77

PAYROLL                                                          WAGES                                                               $11,631.62

Total Receipts and Disbursements for month of August by fund







Road Use Tax



Employee Benefit



Local Option Sales Tax



Library Expendable Trust



Ball Park Fund



Ambulance Trust



Capital Project



Water Utility



Sewer Utility



Solid Waste



Storm Water Utility



Water Deposit





Jay Anderson, Hart Frederick Engineering, provided a recap of projects which included the close out documents sent to Horsefield Construction in June and again in September for the lien waivers, as-built, final pay estimate with retain age request and SWPPP reports if applicable; WWTP Plan of Action needs to be revised and review option of inflow and infiltration project; Overlay in First Street to grind and relay asphalt; the Water main project on Second Street is in competitive bidding process with the plans being completed, and HFC completing the DNR permits; Doug and Randy will be meeting with FEMA to discuss the flood mitigation project of lining the sewer pipes to decrease the inflow and infiltration going to the lift station.


Administration Report:  No additional information to report.


Fire Report:  Lonni Koch reported 1 call for the month which was a motorcycle vs car accident on 8/30. Dee Cook motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve a request to purchase 6 rolls of 1 ˝ inch hose at $120 each; 3 rolls of 2 ˝ inch hose at $175 each, and 5 LED box lights at $160 each; and the Firefighter 1 books and testing for 3 students to take the class at Olin in November.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Ambulance Report: Lonni Koch reported 20 ambulance calls including 2 to Tipton, 4 to Stanwood, and to Clarence a couple times, Amy Heinen has requested an extended leave of absence and Mary Sue is out for 4-6 weeks.


Public Works Report:  Nick Lange reported that the street crew from LL Pelling started working today and should finish tomorrow and will include seal coating the two alley approaches that wash out; 2 of the 3 aerators are fixed at the lagoon, the intersection of Madison and South Street has been repaired where the manhole collapsed.  Lange asked council how they wanted to handle leaf pickup this year.  Consideration will be given to rental and purchase prices of a leaf vacuum as well as setting a schedule for pick up days.


Police report:  Chief Tim Horihan presented a summary of activity from 8/11/14-9/8/14 which included 6 business checks 0 unsecured; 1 harassment complaint; 3 background checks for federal government; 1 minor illegally operating motor vehicle; 1 internet scam follow up; 1 complaint of an illegal fire arm; 1 unsupervised children complaint; 1 illegal burn; 1 animal complaint, 1 speed warning. 


Old business discussion and possible action on: Purchase rifle for PD:  Dee Cook motioned, Rob Davis seconded to purchase a Smith and Wesson MP15T at a cost of $895 plus 4 magazines @$15 each from Sioux Sales.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


New business discussion and possible action on:

Scott Schroeder & Associates, renewal of policy:  Scott Schroeder reviewed highlights of the health insurance plan and made recommendation that the plan remain grandfathered and renew as is.  Dee Cook motioned, Pam Cavey seconded to approve renewing the existing plan.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


2014 Legislative changes affecting city codes:  Iowa codification prepared the ordinances that would keep the city’s code consistent with state code.  Rob Davis motioned to approve the first reading of ordinance 264, 265, 266, 267, and 268.  Dee Cook seconded.  Ayes all.  Motion carried. Logue absent.


Rob Davis then motioned to waive the second and third readings of ordinances 264-268, Dee Cook seconded.  Ayes all.  Motion carried. Logue absent.


The motion was then made by Rob Davis to adopt ordinances 264-268, seconded by Dee Cook.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Taylor, Davis, and Cook.  Nays: None. Logue absent.   Motion carried and ordinances adopted.  The following summarizes the content of the ordinances by number:

#264:  Adding provisions pertaining to vapor products and alternative nicotine products.


#265: amending provisions pertaining to off-road utility vehicles.


#266: Amending provisions pertaining to solid waste.


#267: Amending provisions pertaining to vacancies in an elected office and city elections.


#268: Amending provisions pertaining to persons under legal age/social hosts.


Preliminary Plans & Specs and cost estimate for the asphalt overlay project:  Council reviewed the information as prepared by Hart Frederick Engineering and the engineers cost estimates.  Pam Cavey motioned, Rob Davis seconded to approve the resolution setting the date for the public hearing and letting of the 2014 HMA Street overlay project in and for the City of Mechanicsville, whereas the date was set for Oct. 13 at 7:00 p.m. for items 1-4 of the proposed project which will include all of First Street and South Cherry Street.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Cavey, Taylor, Davis, and Cook.  Nays: None. Logue was absent.   Resolution 2014-23 adopted.


Set date for fall clean up:  Oct. 14 will be the day for the large item pick up.


28E Agreement for 1986 IHC Vacuum truck approx. $1272.63 if all 6 communities participate.  (Olin, Lowden, Oxford Junction, Clarence, Onslow, Mechanicsville)  Pam Cavey motioned, Dee Cook seconded to approve entering into a 28E agreement to share the vacuum truck.  Ayes all.  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:  Pam Cavey will be meeting with the Garden Club on Thursday and also informed council of an additional memorial that will be installed in the Veteran’s Memorial Park.


Correspondence was received from ISO regarding our recent insurance services audit for fire protection and an explanation of how the grading level has changed.


Set next regular meeting date: 10-13-14


Mayor Comments:  Mayor Butler informed council about a proposal that is being worked on by a student to plant popular trees at or near the lagoon which has claimed to improve the ammonium nitrate levels.  Additional details to become available at a future council meeting.  Also, a tree on N Jefferson needs to be added to the removal list due to a big hole that was recently found in the tree.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Rob Davis motioned, Dee Cook seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. Ayes all.  Meeting adjourned.




____________________________                   ___________________________

Linda K. Coppess, MMC                                    Larry Butler, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer