City of Mechanicsville

City Officials

City council

The council consists of five members elected at large for overlapping terms of four years. The Council operates under home rule authority, as provided by the State Code of Iowa. Regular City Council meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Often times a special meeting is held on the fourth Monday of each month. Meetings take place at City Hall located at 100 East First Street. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas are posted the Friday before the next scheduled council meeting at City Hall and the Post Office bulletin board.


Andrew Oberbreckling 319-480-8538

The mayor is elected for a term of four years. His current term expires December 31, 2025. The mayor appoints the following officials; Mayor pro-tem, Police Chief and Library Board of Trustees. The mayor is not a member of the Council and may not vote as a member of the Council.

Mayor Pro Tem

The Mayor Pro Tem is vice president of the Council. The Mayor Pro Tem shall perform the duties of the Mayor in cases of absence or inability of the Mayor to perform such duties. The Mayor Pro Tem shall have the right to vote as a member of the Council. The term expires December 31.

Council Members

The council shall appoint the following officials and prescribe their powers, duties, compensation and term of office, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Treasurer, Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustments.

Brian Steele 319-213-1338
Tracy Miller 319-560-7922
Vacancy 319-xxx-xxxx
Randy Brown 319-480-6258
Doug Weber 319-xxx-xxxx

City Clerk Finance Officer Linda Coppess
Public Works Director Daniel Pike
Police Chief Rick Scott
Fire Chief Matt Shields
Librarian Dr. Kate Heffner
Ambulance Coordinator Lonni Koch
City Attorney Doug Herman

Program Committees
Employee Handbook
Drug & Alcohol Policy Regulated Employees
Drug & Alcohol Policy Non-Regulated Employees
Emploment Application
Social Media Policy